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Tips for Camping with Your Rabbit

  • Choose a rabbit-friendly campsite with a safe and secure environment.

For us, that's an easy thing to do as we typically go to fly-ins for our camping trips. But if you are going to a campground, make sure pets are allowed. and bring an X-Pen for them to run around outside, provided the space is safe.

  • Bring your rabbit's usual food, water, and bedding to maintain their routine.

What I usually do is put Their blanket in the camper along with their litter, bowls, and some toys to keep them occupied. We don't want board buns in a camper lol That will lead to a lot of frustration.

  • Set up a comfortable and shaded area for your rabbit to relax in.

I have a canopy over their X-Pen so they have plenty of shade. I also provide a box in there so they can hide if they get scared. Don't forget to put their water and hay out for them as well.

  • Keep your rabbit on a harness and leash to prevent them from wandering off.

Only one of my bunnies likes to be on a leash which I rarely ever walk them around. I don't trust the other Dogs that are around, so I keep them inside the camper or in the X-Pen, or I'm holding one.

  • Monitor your rabbit closely for signs of stress and ensure they are not overheating.

We travel in style and have AC, but I also carry fans with us and put that up in the pen, they are battery-operated so no one can chew the cords. If it's really hot outside I will freeze water bottles and I have a marble slab for them to lay on.

  • Always have a secure carrier on hand in case of emergencies or if your rabbit needs a break.

I travel with a BunPack, which has everything I need in case of an emergency. You can purchase that here. I also have a large travel pen I put in the back seat for them to free roam while we are driving.


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